Kamis, 23 Desember 2010

Mini Liryc

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Senin, 20 Desember 2010


1. Chip Duplicator.exe
donwload aja di sini : http://www.mediafire.com/?unmm4ynnmmo
1. Ekstrak file ChipDuplicator.rar. Bila belum mempunyai Winrar,
Anda dapat mengunduhnya di http://www.rarlab.com
2. Jalankan file Chip Duplicator.exe
3. Inputkan login Facebook Anda. Jangan lupa untuk membiarkan
seting “Use Secure Login” tetap tercontreng demi memastikan
keamanan account Facebook Anda.
4. Pada bagian “Buddy & Chip Setting” terdapat field “Friend
Facebook URL”. Anda dapat melakukan transfer chip poker Anda
ke teman-teman Anda dengan cara memasukkan URL facebook mereka
disini. Jangan lupa juga untuk memasukkan jumlah chip yang ingin
Anda transfer pada field ” Poker Chips Amount”.
Biarkan seting “Auto Reconnect” bila Anda ingin program melakukan
koneksi secara otomatis bila terjadi DC (Disconnect)
5. Pada “Chip Transfer Setting” terdapat seting sebagai berikut:
- Use Smart SSI methode: Aktifkan seting ini untuk menghindari
terkena ban dari Zynga! SSI (Secure – Save – Invisible)
- Card Detector AI: Script kecerdasan buatan (AI) untuk menipu
Zynga sehingga seolah-olah Anda yang sedang memainkan pokernya
- Duplicate Your Chip (2X): Biarkan seting ini tetap aktif! Seting
ini akan bekerja dengan AI untuk membuat chip Anda menjadi double
(tergantung dari jumlah chip Anda). Untuk dapat menggunakan seting
ini, Anda harus mempunyai setidaknya 1M chip. Lebih besar, maka
besaran duplikatnya akan lebih tinggi
- M23C Exploit: Tanpa ini, program tidak akan bisa berjalan dengan
baik, karena inilah “OTAK” utamanya
- Maximum Transfer Time: Apabila terjadi lag di server Zynga, maka
jumlah chip Anda akan bertambah selambatnya 24 jam dari saat Anda
menekan tombol transfer
6. Pada bagian Others..
- CPX2 4.5 Bot Script: Bot script yang digunakan program ini
- Anonymous Transfer: Zynga tidak akan menganggap Anda sedang melakukan
transfer di dalam servernya
- Clear Log & Cache: Aktifkan seting ini untuk menghapus segala jejak
yang mungkin tertinggal di server Zynga!
7. Tekan tombol “START TRANSFER”. Request akan di mulai dikirim. Proses
ini akan memakan waktu 5 s/d 15 menit tergantung dari kecepatan koneksi
Internet Anda.
8. Setelah proses login selesai, akan terbuka jendela baru. Pada jendela
ini Anda dapat melihat proses duplikat chip Anda secara langsung. Anda
akan melihat posisi duduk Anda selalu berada tepat di sebelah kanan bandar.
Apabila ada pertanyaan “Start Bot Script Now?”, tekan tombol “YES”!
9. Anda akan melihat bagaimana bot script CPX2 memainkan perannya. Anda
akan selalu mendapatkan kartu-kartu yang bagus dengan persentase 90%.
Nikmati saja sepuas Anda!
Program akan berhenti setiap 5 jam sekali untuk menghindari kecurigaan dari
pengawas Zynga. Disarankan agar Anda melakukan logout tiap 4 jam sekali untuk
mencegah hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan.


Aplikasi transfer chip poker zynga aman tanpa banned ini sangat berguna bagi para penjual chip. Karena mereka tidak perlu bersusah payah melakukan transfer chip dalam jumlah banyak. Apalagi diatas 1M cukup merepotkan para penjual chip poker.

Aplikasi ini dibuat oleh Zynga sendiri sehingga penggunaan dari aplikasi ini aman dan tidak menyalahi aturan Zynga. Selama anda tidak melanggar peraturan Zynga dalam bermain poker, maka chip dan account anda aman dari banned.

Cara penggunaan dari aplikasi ini pun cukup simple. Anda cukup download aplikasi transfer chip poker zynga aman tanpa banned disini .
Setelah selesai men-download, lalu anda install aplikasi tersebut dan ikuti petunjuk selanjutnya.
Sebagai catatan aplikasi ini sudah saya coba dan berjalan di windows dansaya belum mencoba aplikasi ini pada sistem operasi lain. Mungkin anda bisa mencoba nya sendiri.


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Cara kerja program ini cukup sederhana. Yang kita lakukan cukup memasukkan email target pada kotak yang tersedia di program tsb. Lalu klik freeze. Tunggu beberapa saat sehingga email target akan kehilangan password nya dan tidak bisa diakses. Anda bisa download program nya disini
Jika anda ingin mencoba nya, saya sarankan test dahulu pada akun cadangan milik anda sendiri. Dan saya tidak bertanggung jawab jika hal ini anda lakukan pada orang lain. Dan segala resiko merupakan tanggung jawab penumpang,hehe…
Cara hack password facebook terbaru paling ampuh ini banyak dipakai oleh orang yang curiga terhadap pasangan nya atau istrinya. Bisa juga terhadap anak yang kecanduan facebook. Dan sisi positif nya mengurangi terjadinya perselingkuhan dan penculikan.


Bot Poker Zynga adalah sebuah program bot yang dapat memainkan poker zynga di facebook secara otomatis. Ada banyak bot poker zynga yang bertebaran, tetapi yang bagus menurut saya dan bisa digunakan sampai saat ini yaitu Zynga Poker Bot yang dibuat oleh AutoIT.

Zynga Poker Bot buatan AutoIT ini merupakan program open source, jadi program ini gratis untuk digunakan. Jika ada yang menjual program Zynga Poker Bot dari AutoIT ini berarti itu penipuan. Dan anda harus mengatakan bahwa mereka (sipenjual) telah melanggar lisensi GNU GPL 3 dan anda berhak untuk mendapatkan dana anda kembali.

Fitur-fitur dari bot poker zynga AutoIt ini yaitu:
  • Dapat dimainkan di jaringan game poker milik Zynga, tidak hanya di Facebook tetapi dapat dimainkan di MySpace, Twitter, Bebo dll. Selama poker tsb merupakan Poker Zynga.
  • Semua permainan dilakukan secara otomatis. Mulai dari bergabung di meja, menutup pop, dan mengisi ulang chip ketika habis.
  • SourceCode yang bebas untuk di download dan di edit.
  • Bekerja dalam semua jenis meja permainan dengan pembiayaan otomatis.
  • Dibuat oleh tangan-tangan terbaik yang dapat menghitung peluang untuk membuat keputusan.
  • Memungkinkan anda membuat PlayerProfiles sendiri.
  • Perpindahan meja otomatis jika terlalu sedikit lawan.
  • Dapat melakukan pertukaran meja otomatis jika bid terlalu kecil atau terlalu besar.
  • Dapat membuat gambar profile sendiri.
  • Mendeteksi jumlah lawan.
  • Dapat berjalan dengan beberapa program bot.
Jadi semua permainan poker zynga dilakukan secara otomatis tanpa harus duduk di dalam meja poker zynga. Bagi anda pecandu poker dan tidak mempunyai waktu luang, mungkin program bot ini bisa anda gunakan. Anda bisa men-download zynga poker bot AutoIT disini . Tinggal atur saja permainannya, dan jalankan bot nya. Dengan bot poker zynga ini, anda bisa memperbanyak jumlah chips poker anda. Menarik bukan. Good Luck :)


Banyak sekali para troopers yang mencari solusi bug trap game pointblank. Bahkan banyak diantaranya yang sudah menanyakan langsung ke GM Pb. Alhasil GM pun kebingungan dengan bug trap tsb. Dan belum bisa memberikan solusi bug trap.

Banyak hal yang bisa menyebabkan terjadinya bug trap. Bug trap sendiri dibuat untuk mencegah penggunaan program ilegal di setiap komputer. Tapi bukan berarti hanya cheater yang kena bug trap. User yang tidak menggunakan cheat juga sering kena bug trap.
Emang menyebalkan kalau lagi asik-asik CW nge-kill banyak trus misi komplit eh tiba-tiba dc trus keluar gambar serangga alias bug trap. Lalu bagaimana sih caranya solusi bug trap game pointblank. Ok guys dari hasil riset saya bertahun-tahun, akhirnya ketemu juga solusi bug trap yang manjur. Berikut penjelasan solusi bug trap game pointblank :
I. Cara Simple Solusi Bug Trap
Jika anda terkena bug trap, solusi yang sederhana yaitu membersihkan komputer anda dengan program CC Cleaner. Apa itu CC Cleaner ?. Beliau adalah sebuah program yang diciptakan khusus membuang file-file sampah yang ada didalam komputer. Kemungkinan file-file sampah mengganggu file-file komputer kita sehingga menyebabkan eror program / bug trap. Download program CC Cleaner disini
II. Solusi Bug Trap bagi pengguna Cheat ( Jonita , Zenix, Pasembung dll )
Sudah jelas bagi cheater sering mengalami kena bug trap. Langkah² solusi bug trap bagi pengguna cheat trainer Joanita, Zenix atau pasembung dll adalah sbb:
1. Buka folder PB dan cari folder AhnLab lalu delete folder AhnLab tsb.
2. Download HackShield yang lama disini . Setelah itu copy paste Hackshield lama ke folder hackshield PB.
3. Jalankan program Proses Hacker yang bisa anda download disini.
4. Buka folder PB dan cari file PointBlank.exe lalu klik 2x. Disini akan melakukan update HackShield yang agak lemot.
5. Setelah update HackShield penuh, lakukan Suspend PointBlank.exe dengan program ProsesHacker.
6. Copy paste lagi HackShield yang lama ke folder PB. Setelah selesai jangan di resume dahulu karena bisa anda inject sesuai selera anda dengan menggunakan cheat yang work.
7. Cara meng-inject cheat yang work menggunakan PH yaitu : Klik Kanan >P ointBlank.exe > Miscellaneos > Inject DLL > Jonita/Zenix/Pasembung dll yang kena bug trap.
Solusi bug trap ini sudah saya coba di beberapa komputer / warnet yang terkena bug trap. Kalau jika suatu saat anda mencoba nya dan ternyata hasil nya gagal, mungkin tergantung dari garis tangan. Kalau anda kendala, silahkan ludahin komentar disini.


Bot Poker Zynga adalah sebuah program bot yang dapat memainkan poker zynga di facebook secara otomatis. Ada banyak bot poker zynga yang bertebaran, tetapi yang bagus menurut saya dan bisa digunakan sampai saat ini yaitu Zynga Poker Bot yang dibuat oleh AutoIT.

Zynga Poker Bot buatan AutoIT ini merupakan program open source, jadi program ini gratis untuk digunakan. Jika ada yang menjual program Zynga Poker Bot dari AutoIT ini berarti itu penipuan. Dan anda harus mengatakan bahwa mereka (sipenjual) telah melanggar lisensi GNU GPL 3 dan anda berhak untuk mendapatkan dana anda kembali.

Fitur-fitur dari bot poker zynga AutoIt ini yaitu:
  • Dapat dimainkan di jaringan game poker milik Zynga, tidak hanya di Facebook tetapi dapat dimainkan di MySpace, Twitter, Bebo dll. Selama poker tsb merupakan Poker Zynga.
  • Semua permainan dilakukan secara otomatis. Mulai dari bergabung di meja, menutup pop, dan mengisi ulang chip ketika habis.
  • SourceCode yang bebas untuk di download dan di edit.
  • Bekerja dalam semua jenis meja permainan dengan pembiayaan otomatis.
  • Dibuat oleh tangan-tangan terbaik yang dapat menghitung peluang untuk membuat keputusan.
  • Memungkinkan anda membuat PlayerProfiles sendiri.
  • Perpindahan meja otomatis jika terlalu sedikit lawan.
  • Dapat melakukan pertukaran meja otomatis jika bid terlalu kecil atau terlalu besar.
  • Dapat membuat gambar profile sendiri.
  • Mendeteksi jumlah lawan.
  • Dapat berjalan dengan beberapa program bot.
Jadi semua permainan poker zynga dilakukan secara otomatis tanpa harus duduk di dalam meja poker zynga. Bagi anda pecandu poker dan tidak mempunyai waktu luang, mungkin program bot ini bisa anda gunakan. Anda bisa men-download zynga poker bot AutoIT disini . Tinggal atur saja permainannya, dan jalankan bot nya. Dengan bot poker zynga ini, anda bisa memperbanyak jumlah chips poker anda. Menarik bukan. Good Luck :)

tips for duplicate poker chips

Saya menciptakan Blog/site ini sengaja untuk para pecinta game Poker online zynga
saya akan membeberkan Tips-trik Untuk melipat gandakan Chips Poker Anda.
Tahu Kah Anda Salah satu hacker amerika berhsil memecahkan kode rahasia tersebut dan mesin pencetak chips tersebut dengan mempelajari script zynga itu sendiri Ternyata caranya sangat mudah dengan mengirimkan kode rahasia itu melalui email mesin pencetak chips tersebut dengan secara otomatis mesin tersebut akan mengirimkan chips langsung ke account si pengirim kode rahasia itu.
Berikut langkah-langkah nya :

1. Cara Ini hanya bisa di lakukan 1 Kali saja Untuk satu ID. Jika anda Ingin mengulangi nya anda harus memiliki ID baru. Karena jika di lakukan berulang-ulang mesin Akan mencurigai ID Anda dan ID anda Akan di banned oleh zynga

2. Anda Harus memiliki minimal Chips 1 M(Jika Chips Anda di bawah atau Kurang Dari 1 M maka Zynga akan membanned akun anda

3. Anda Harus Login email anda Di utamakan email anda adalah Yahoo.

4. Jika sudah Login ke Email Yahoo anda maka kirim email ke mesin pencetak Chips tersebut. berikut alamat email nya engine_zynga@yahoo.com

5. Pada baris SUBJECT masukkan/ketik kalimat : CHIPS MACHINE

6. lalu pada baris pertama mail anda tuliskan alamat email anda yang anda gunakan pada registrasi facebook tempat account anda yang berisi chips untuk di kirimin chips oleh mesin pencetak chips zynga

7. Pada baris kedua tuliskan jumlah nominal chip yang ingin ditransfer ke account anda. Contoh 500.000.000.

8. Pada baris ketiga tuliskan password yahoo/email anda yang anda gunakan pada registrasi facebook tempat account anda yang berisi chips untuk di kirimin chips oleh mesin pencetak chips zynga Ini lah penentu keberhasilan Anda

9. Nah ini dia kode rahasia yang berhasil dihack hacker amerika
masukkan kode rahasianya : CM.Zynga_.500 M.bin/jet87431>khkp
pada baris terakhir.

Catatan: ingat mesin pencetak chip zynga membatasi officernya dapat memiliki chips 500 M per satu ID Lihat kode rahasia 500 M diatas.

Setelah anda memasukkan kode rahasia diatas mesin pencetak chips
Zynga akan mengira bahwa officernya yang ngirim kode tersebut.
Dan segera mengirimnya ke account anda

Misalkan email anda adalah Rossiana@yahoo.com
dan password anda adalah : 12345678910
Maka email yg anda tulis nantinya adalah:

To: engine_zynga@yahoo.com
bcc: cc: (biarkan kosong)
CM.Zynga_.500 M.bin/jet87431>khkp
Proses pengiriman Chips ke ID anda akan di proses paling Lama 1 x 24 Jam
1. ingat hanya untuk pengguna facebook
2. Ingat anda mengirimkan email ke mesin bukan ke orang.
3. Fungsi anda memberikan password adalah agar mesin pencetak chips mengirim chips ke account anda .
4. Jika anda ingin mendapat kan Chips dengan cara Ini lagi anda Harus Menggunakan account lain yang memenuhi syarat.

jika anda menggunakan account yang sama yang telah mendapat kan Chip dari zynga maka Chips yang anda dapat kan akan di banned oleh zynga.
Mengapa saya memberikan rahasia ini kepada anda. Karena sbagian besar bule bule telah mengetahui rahasia ini makanya chips mereka sampai berpuluh2 B.dan saya ga mw orang Indonesia ketinggalan informasi ini.
Semoga bermanfaat dan selamat mencoba!!

Kamis, 09 Desember 2010


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Jujutsu (柔術)
JUJITSU (AND RIFLES) in an agricultural school.jpg
Jujutsu training at an agricultural school in Japan around 1920
Also known as Ju-Jitsu, Jujitsu, Jiu-Jitsu
Focus Grappling, Striking, Mixed
Country of origin Japan Japan
Creator Unknown; adapted by Samurai (military caste) and civilians
Parenthood Historic
Descendant arts Judo, Sambo (via judo), Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (via judo), Shooto, Aikido, Hapkido, Bartitsu
Olympic sport No
Jujutsu (柔術 jūjutsu?) About this sound listen , (also known as Ju-Jitsu, Jiu-Jitsu, or Jiujitsu), is Japanese martial art and a method of close combat for defeating an armed and armored opponent in which one uses no weapon, or only a short weapon.[1][2]
"" can be translated to mean "gentle, supple, flexible, pliable, or yielding." "Jutsu" can be translated to mean "art" or "technique" and represents manipulating the opponent's force against himself rather than confronting it with one's own force.[1] Jujutsu evolved among the samurai of feudal Japan as a method for defeating an armed and armored opponent in which one uses no weapon, or only a short weapon.[3] Because striking against an armored opponent proved ineffective, practitioners learned that the most efficient methods for neutralizing an enemy took the form of pins, joint locks, and throws. These techniques were developed around the principle of using an attacker's energy against him, rather than directly opposing it.[4]
There are many variations of the art, which leads to a diversity of approaches. Jujutsu schools (ryū) may utilize all forms of grappling techniques to some degree (i.e. throwing, trapping, joint locks, holds, gouging, biting, disengagements, striking, and kicking). In addition to jujutsu, many schools teach the use of weapons.
Today, jujutsu is practiced in both traditional and modern sport forms. Derived sport forms include the Olympic sport and martial art of judo, which was developed by Kanō Jigorō in the late 19th century from several traditional styles of jujutsu, and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, which was in turn derived from earlier (pre-World War II) versions of Kodokan judo.



[edit] History

[edit] Origins

Several theories explain the origins of jujutsu. One theory holds that in the 17th century, a Chinese man named Chen Yuan Ping introduced the techniques of jujutsu to three ronin - Fukuno Hichiroemon, Miura Yojiemon, and Isogai Jirozaemon. The other theory propounded by the Yōshin-ryū holds that a doctor named Akiyama Shirobei from Nagasaki devised jujutsu upon his return from China where he learned the art of hakuda. Yet another theory claims that jujutsu began "in the age of the gods" and is a purely Japanese invention.[5][6]
The term jūjutsu was not coined until the 17th century, after which time it became a blanket term for a wide variety of grappling-related disciplines. Prior to that time, these skills had names such as "short sword grappling" (小具足腰之廻 kogusoku koshi no mawari?), "grappling" (組討 or 組打 kumiuchi?), "body art" (体術 taijutsu?), "softness" (柔 or 和 yawara?), "art of harmony" (和術 wajutsu, yawarajutsu?), "catching hand" (捕手 torite?), and even the "way of softness" (柔道 jūdō?) (as early as 1724, almost two centuries before Kanō Jigorō founded the modern art of Kodokan Judo).[2]
Today, the systems of unarmed combat that were developed and practiced during the Muromachi period (1333–1573) are referred to collectively as Japanese old-style jujutsu (日本古流柔術 Nihon koryū jūjutsu?). At this period in history, the systems practiced were not systems of unarmed combat, but rather means for an unarmed or lightly armed warrior to fight a heavily armed and armored enemy on the battlefield. In battle, it was often impossible for a samurai to use his long sword, and would therefore be forced to rely on his short sword, dagger, or bare hands. When fully armored, the effective use of such "minor" weapons necessitated the employment of grappling skills.
Methods of combat (as mentioned above) included striking (kicking and punching), throwing (body throws, joint-lock throws, unbalance throws), restraining (pinning, strangling, grappling, wrestling) and weaponry. Defensive tactics included blocking, evading, off-balancing, blending and escaping. Minor weapons such as the tantō (knife), ryofundo kusari (weighted chain), kabuto wari (helmet smasher), and kakushi buki (secret or disguised weapons) were almost always included in Sengoku jujutsu.

[edit] Development

In later times, other koryu developed into systems more familiar to the practitioners of Nihon jujutsu commonly seen today. These are correctly classified as Edo jūjutsu (founded during the edo period): they are generally designed to deal with opponents neither wearing armor nor in a battlefield environment. Most systems of Edo jujutsu include extensive use of atemi waza (vital-striking technique), which would be of little use against an armored opponent on a battlefield. They would, however, be quite valuable in confronting an enemy or opponent during peacetime dressed in normal street attire (referred to as "suhada bujutsu"). Occasionally, inconspicuous weapons such as tantō (daggers) or tessen (iron fans) were included in the curriculum of Edo jūjutsu.
Another seldom-seen historical side is a series of techniques originally included in both Sengoku and Edo jujutsu systems. Referred to as hojo waza (捕縄術 hojojutsu, torinawa jutsu, nawa jutsu, hayanawa and others), it involves the use of a hojo cord, (sometimes the sageo or tasuke) to restrain or strangle an attacker. These techniques have for the most part faded from use in modern times, but Tokyo police units still train in their use and continue to carry a hojo cord in addition to handcuffs. The very old Takenouchi-ryu is one of the better-recognized systems that continue extensive training in hojo waza. Since the establishment of the Meiji period with the abolishment of the Samurai and the wearing of swords, the ancient tradition of Yagyu Shingan Ryu (Sendai and Edo lines) has focused much towards the jujutsu (Yawara) contained in its syllabus.
Many other legitimate Nihon jujutsu ryu exist but are not considered koryu (ancient traditions). These are called either Gendai Jujutsu or modern jujutsu. Modern jujutsu traditions were founded after or towards the end of the Tokugawa period (1868), when more than 2000 schools (ryu) of jūjutsu existed. Various traditional ryu and ryuha that are commonly thought of as koryu jujutsu are actually gendai jūjutsu. Although modern in formation, very few gendai jujutsu systems have direct historical links to ancient traditions and are incorrectly referred to as traditional martial systems or ryu. Their curriculum reflects an obvious bias towards Edo jūjutsu systems as opposed to the Sengoku jūjutsu systems. The improbability of confronting an armor-clad attacker is the reason for this bias.
Over time, Gendai jujutsu has been embraced by law enforcement officials worldwide and continues to be the foundation for many specialized systems used by police. Perhaps the most famous of these specialized police systems is the Keisatsujutsu (police art) Taiho jutsu (arresting art) system formulated and employed by the Tokyo Police Department.
If a Japanese based martial system is formulated in modern times (after Tokugawa) but is only partially influenced by traditional Nihon jujutsu, it may be correctly referred to as goshin (self defense) jujutsu. Goshin jujutsu is usually formulated outside Japan and may include influences from other martial traditions. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, which was developed from judo, but with greater emphasis on ground grappling (ne waza), is an excellent example of Goshin Jujutsu.
Jujutsu techniques have been the basis for many military unarmed combat techniques (including British/US/Russian special forces and SO1 police units) for many years.
There are many forms of sport jujutsu, the original and most popular being judo, now an Olympic sport. One of the most common is mixed-style competitions, where competitors apply a variety of strikes, throws, and holds to score points. There are also kata competitions, where competitors of the same style perform techniques and are judged on their performance. There are also freestyle competitions, where competitors take turns attacking each other, and the defender is judged on performance.

[edit] Description

Japanese jujutsu systems typically place more emphasis on throwing, immobilizing and pinning, joint-locking, choking, and strangling techniques as compared with other martial arts systems such as karate. Atemi-waza (striking techniques) were seen as less important in most older Japanese systems, since samurai body armor protected against many striking techniques. The Chinese quanfa/ch'uan-fa (kenpo or kung fu) systems focus on punching, striking, and kicking more than jujutsu.
The Japanese systems of hakuda, kenpo, and shubaku display some degree of Chinese influence in their emphasis on atemi-waza. In comparison, systems that derive more directly from Japanese sources show less preference for such techniques. However, a few jujutsu schools likely have some Chinese influence in their development. Jujutsu ryu vary widely in their techniques, and many do include significant emphasis on striking techniques, though in some styles only as set-ups for their grappling techniques.
In jujutsu, practitioners train in the use of many potentially fatal moves. However, because students mostly train in a non-competitive environment, risk is minimized. Students are taught break falling skills to allow them to safely practice otherwise dangerous throws.
In jujutsu, there are five main sectors ("arts") of training. The first, the Art of Blocking, is used to defend against attacks. The second, the Art of the Fulcrum Throw, is employed in modern judo. The third, the Art of the Non-fulcrum Throw is employed through throws that involve little or no contact with the opponent. The fourth, the Art of Escaping (Hakko-Dori), is very crucial in many styles of Jujutsu. The fifth is the Art of Striking (Atemi-Waza).
The word Jujutsu can be broken down into two parts. "Ju" is a concept. The idea behind this meaning of Ju is "to be gentle", "to give way", "to yield", "to blend", "to move out of harm's way". "Jutsu" is the principle or "the action" part of Ju-Jutsu. In Japanese this word means science or art.[7]

[edit] Technical characteristics

As a "soft" art, jujitsu systems generally employ the principles of balance, leverage, and momentum to overcome opponents. This is in contrast to "hard" systems (for example, some styles of karate and taekwondo) that tend to emphasize developing power, strength, and speed. Although there is some diversity in the actual look and techniques of the various traditional jujutsu systems, there are significant technical similarities common to all schools:
  • Students learn traditional jujutsu primarily by observation and imitation of the ryu's waza.
  • The unarmed waza of most schools emphasize joint-locking techniques (kansetsu waza), that is, threatening a joint's integrity by placing pressure on it in a direction contrary to its normal function, aligning it so that muscular strength cannot be brought to bear, take-down or throwing techniques, or a combination of take-downs and joint-locks.
  • Sometimes, atemi (strikes) are targeted to some vulnerable area of the body; this is an aspect of kuzushi, the art of breaking balance as a set-up for a lock, take-down or throw.
  • Movements tend to capitalize on an attacker's momentum and openings in order to place a joint in a compromised position or to break their balance as preparation for a take-down or throw.
  • The defender's own body is positioned so as to take optimal advantage of the attacker's weaknesses while simultaneously presenting few openings or weaknesses of its own.
  • Weapons training was a primary goal of Samurai training. Koryu (old/classic) schools typically include the use of weapons. Weapons might include the roku shaku bo (six-foot staff), hanbo (three-foot staff), katana (sword), wakizashi or kodachi (short sword), tantō (knife), or jutte (short one hook truncheon).

[edit] Schools and derivatives

Because jujutsu contains so many facets, it has become the foundation for a variety of styles and derivations today. As each instructor incorporated new techniques and tactics into what was taught to him originally, he could codify and create his own ryu (school) or Federation to help other instructors and schools and clubs. Some of these schools modified the source material so much that they no longer considered themselves a style of jujutsu.

[edit] Old schools

In around 1600 there were over 2000 Japanese jujutsu ryu, and common features characterized most of them. Specific technical characteristics varied from school to school. Many of the generalizations noted above do not hold true for some schools of jujutsu. Old schools of Japanese jujutsu include:

[edit] Derivatives and influences

Some examples of martial arts that have developed from or have been influenced by jujutsu are: Aikido, Bartitsu[9], Hapkido, Judo (and thence Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and Sambo), Kajukenbo, Kudo, Kapap, and Kenpo—as well as some styles of Japanese Karate. The Wado-ryu school of Karate, for example, is considered as a branch of Shindō Yōshin-ryū Jujutsu which has received strong influences from Okinawan Karate.[10]
Some schools went on to diverge into present day Karate and Aiki styles. The last Japanese divergence occurred in 1905 when a number of jujutsu schools joined the Kodokan. The syllabi of those schools were unified under Kanō Jigorō to form Judo.

[edit] Bartitsu

Jujutsu was first introduced to Europe in 1898 by Edward William Barton-Wright, who had studied Tenjin Shinyō-ryū and Shinden Fudo Ryu in Yokohama and Kobe, respectively. He had also trained briefly at the Kodokan in Tokyo. Upon returning to England he folded the basics of all of these styles, as well as boxing, savate and French stick fighting, into an eclectic self-defence system called Bartitsu[9].

[edit] Judo

Modern judo is the classic example of a 'sport' that derived from jujutsu and became distinct - (although many who study Judo still believe as Kano did, that Judo isn't a sport but a self defense system creating a pathway towards peace and universal harmony through the art and physical exercise). Another layer removed, some popular arts had instructors who studied one of these jujutsu derivatives and later made their own derivative succeed in competition. This created an extensive family of martial arts and sports that can trace their lineage to jujutsu in some part.
The way an opponent is dealt with also depends on the teacher's philosophy with regard to combat. This translates also in different styles or schools of jujutsu. Because in jujutsu every conceivable technique (including biting, hair-pulling, eye-gouging, striking the groin, etc.) is allowed (unlike judo, for instance, which does not place emphasis on punching or kicking tactics, and karate, which does not heavily emphasize grappling and throwing), practitioners have an unlimited choice of techniques.
Not all jujutsu was used in sporting contests, but the practical use in the samurai world ended circa 1890. Techniques like hair-pulling and eye-poking were and are not considered conventionally acceptable to use in sport, thus they are not included in judo competitions or randori. Judo did, however, preserve the more lethal, dangerous techniques in its kata. The kata were intended to be practiced by students of all grades, but now are mostly practiced formally as complete set-routines for performance, kata competition, and grading, rather than as individual self-defense techniques in class. However, judo retained the full set of choking and strangling techniques for its sporting form, and all manner of joint locks. Even judo's pinning techniques have pain-generating, spine-and-rib-squeezing and smothering aspects. A submission induced by a legal pin is considered a fully legitimate way to win. Kano viewed the safe 'contest' aspect of judo as an important part of learning how to actually control an opponent's body in a real fight. Kano always considered judo to be a form of, and a development of, jujutsu.
A Judo technique starts with gripping your opponent followed by off-balancing the opponent and using his momentum against him, and then applying the technique. Kuzushi(the art of breaking balance) is also used in Jujitsu, where the opponent's attack is deflected using his/her momentum against them in order to arrest their movements then throw them or pin them with a technique—thus controlling the opponent. In both systems, kuzushi is essential in order to use as little energy as possible. Jujutsu differs from judo in a number of ways. In some circumstances, jutsuka generate kuzushi by striking one's opponent along his weak line. Other methods of generating kuzushi include grabbing, twisting, or poking areas of the body known as atemi points or pressure points (see kyusho-jitsu) (areas of the body where nerves are close to the skin).

[edit] Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) was developed after Mitsuyo Maeda brought judo to Brazil in 1914. Maeda accepted to teach his friend, Businessman and politician Gastão Gracie's son, Carlos, the art. After Carlos learnt the art from Maeda, he passed his knowledge to his brothers Oswaldo, Gastão Jr., George, and Hélio (who modified the techniques in order to minimize the strength effort because of his small size and weight). At the time, judo was still often commonly referred to as Kano "Jiu-Jitsu" (from its founder Kanō Jigorō), which explains why this derivative of judo is called Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu rather than Brazilian Judo. BJJ dominated the first large modern mixed martial arts competitions, causing the emerging field to adopt many of its practices. The stand-up techniques in Gracie Jiu Jitsu are largely from Japanese Jujutsu (knife defence, gun defence, throws, blocking, striking etc.).[citation needed]

[edit] Modern schools

A Japanese-based martial system formulated in modern times (post Tokugawa) that is only partially influenced by traditional Nihon jujutsu, is correctly referred to as goshin (self-defense) jujutsu. Goshin jujutsu is usually formulated outside Japan and may include influences from other martial traditions. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, although derived originally from Kodokan Judo, has evolved independently for many years, and could be considered an example of Goshin Jutsu.
After the transplantation of traditional Japanese jujutsu to the West, many of these more traditional styles underwent a process of adaptation at the hands of Western practitioners, molding the art of jujutsu to suit western culture in its myriad varieties. There are today many distinctly westernized styles of jujutsu, that stick to their Japanese roots to varying degrees.
There are a number of relatively new martial systems identifying themselves as jujutsu. Since they are created in modern (gendai) times, they are often referred to as gendai jujutsu.
Some of the largest post-reformation (founded post 1905) jujutsu schools include (but are certainly not limited to these in that there are hundreds (possibly thousands), of new branches of "jujutsu"):

[edit] Sport jujutsu

There are many types of Sport Jujutsu. One version of Sport jujutsu is known as "JJIF Rules Sport Ju-Jitsu", organized by Ju-Jitsu International Federation (JJIF), and has been recognized an official sport of the World Games.
Sport Jujutsu comes in two main variants: Duo (self-defense demonstration) where both the tori (attacker) and the uke (defender) come from the same team and demonstrate self defense techniques, and Fighting System (freefighting) where competitors combine striking, grappling and submissions under rules which emphasise safety. Many of the potentially dangerous techniques such as scissor takedowns, necklocks and digital choking and locking are prohibited in Sport Jujutsu. There are a number of other styles of sport jujutsu with varying rules.[11][12][13]

[edit] Etymology

Jujutsu, the current standard spelling, is derived using the Hepburn romanization system. Before the first half of the 20th century, however, jiu-jitsu and then jujitsu were preferred, even though the romanization of the second kanji as jitsu is unfaithful to the standard Japanese pronunciation. Since Japanese martial arts first became widely known of in the West in that time period, these earlier spellings are still common in many places. Ju-Jitsu is still a common spelling in France, Canada and the United States while Jiu-Jitsu is most widely used in Germany and Brazil.
Some define jujutsu and similar arts rather narrowly as "unarmed" close combat systems used to defeat or control an enemy who is similarly unarmed. Basic methods of attack include hitting or striking, thrusting or punching, kicking, throwing, pinning or immobilizing, strangling, and joint-locking. Great pains were also taken by the bushi (classic warriors) to develop effective methods of defense, including parrying or blocking strikes, thrusts and kicks, receiving throws or joint-locking techniques (i.e., falling safely and knowing how to "blend" to neutralize a technique's effect), releasing oneself from an enemy's grasp, and changing or shifting one's position to evade or neutralize an attack. As jujutsu is a collective term, some schools or ryu adopted the principle of ju more than others.
From a broader point of view, based on the curricula of many of the classical Japanese arts themselves, however, these arts may perhaps be more accurately defined as unarmed methods of dealing with an enemy who was armed, together with methods of using minor weapons such as the jutte (truncheon; also called jitte), tantō (knife), or kakushi buki (hidden weapons), such as the ryofundo kusari (weighted chain) or the bankokuchoki (a type of knuckle-duster), to defeat both armed or unarmed opponents.
Furthermore, the term jujutsu was also sometimes used to refer to tactics for infighting used with the warrior's major weapons: katana or tachi (sword), yari (spear), naginata (glaive), and jo (short staff), bo (quarterstaff). These close combat methods were an important part of the different martial systems that were developed for use on the battlefield. They can be generally characterized as either Sengoku Jidai (Sengoku Period, 1467–1603) katchu bujutsu or yoroi kumiuchi (fighting with weapons or grappling while clad in armor), or Edo Jidai (Edo Period, 1603–1867) suhada bujutsu (fighting while dressed in the normal street clothing of the period, kimono and hakama).
The Chinese character 柔 (Mandarin: róu; Japanese: ; Korean: ) is the same as the first one in 柔道/judo (Mandarin: róudào; Japanese: jūdō; Korean: Yudo). The Chinese character 術 (Mandarin: shù; Japanese: jutsu; Korean: sul) is the same as the second one in 武術 (Mandarin: wǔshù; Japanese: bujutsu; Korean: musul)

[edit] Heritage and philosophy

All Japanese jujutsu schools have cultural indicators that help give a sense of the traditional character of the school.
  • The type of keikogi or training suit worn, which is usually plain white, often with a dark hakama (the most colorful uniform might be plain black or the traditional blue of quilted keikogi).
  • Lack of ostentatious display, with an attempt to achieve or express the sense of rustic simplicity (expressed in such concepts as wabi-sabi in Japanese) common in many of Japan's traditional arts.
  • The use of the traditional (e.g., Shoden, Chuden, Okuden, Kirigami and menkyo kaiden levels) ranking system, perhaps as a parallel track to the more contemporary and increasingly common dan-i (kyu/dan) ranking.
Japanese culture and religion have become intertwined into the martial arts. Buddhism, Shinto, Taoism and Confucian philosophy co-exist in Japan, and people generally mix and match to suit. This reflects the variety of outlook one finds in the different schools.
Jujutsu expresses the philosophy of yielding to an opponent's force rather than trying to oppose force with force. Manipulating an opponent's attack using his force and direction allows jujutsuka to control the balance of their opponent and hence prevent the opponent from resisting the counter attack.
The Japanese have characterised states of mind that a warrior should be able to adopt in combat to facilitate victory. These include: an all-encompassing awareness, zanshin (literally "remaining spirit"), in which the practitioner is ready for anything, at any time; the spontaneity of mushin (literally "no mind") which allows immediate action without conscious thought; and a state of equanimity or imperturbability known as fudoshin (literally "immovable mind").

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  1. ^ a b Takahashi, Masao (May 3, 2005). Mastering Judo. Human Kinetics. p. viii. ISBN 073605099X. 
  2. ^ a b Mol, Serge (2001). Classical Fighting Arts of Japan: A Complete Guide to Koryū Jūjutsu. Tokyo, Japan: Kodansha International. pp. 24–54. ISBN 4-7700-2619-6. 
  3. ^ Kanō, Jigorō (2006) [2005]. "A BRIEF HISTORY OF JUJUTSU". In Murata, Naoki. Mind over muscle: writings from the founder of Judo. trans. Nancy H. Ross (2 ed.). Japan: Kodansha International. p. 13. ISBN 4770030150. "... they are all techniques of attack or defense against an enemy in which one uses no weapon, or only a short weapon." 
  4. ^ Skoss, Meik (1995). "Jujutsu and Taijutsu". Aikido Journal 103. http://www.aikidojournal.com/article.php?articleID=17. Retrieved 2007-09-09. 
  5. ^ Kano, Jigoro (2006). Mind over muscle: writings from the founder of Judo. Kodansha International. pp. 12–16. ISBN 9784770030153. http://books.google.com/books?id=7NUw4CLby9YC&pg=PA13. 
  6. ^ "Origins of KODOKAN JUDO". http://judoinfo.com/jhist3.htm. Retrieved 2010-09-24. 
  7. ^ "Jujutsu". Mysensei.net. 2009-02-09. http://mysensei.net/2009/02/09/what-is-jujutsu/. Retrieved 2009-09-12. 
  8. ^ "A history of Kukishin Ryu". Shinjin.co.jp. http://www.shinjin.co.jp/kuki/hyoho/history01_e.htm. Retrieved 2009-09-12. 
  9. ^ a b "Bartitsu". http://www.fullcontactmartialarts.org/bartitsu.html. 
  10. ^ http://www.wado-ryu.jp
  11. ^ http://www.sportjujitsu.com/Rules.html
  12. ^ "Jiu-Jitsu Rules". Cmgc.ca. http://www.cmgc.ca/jiu_jitsu_rules.htm. Retrieved 2009-09-12. 
  13. ^ "AAU Freestyle Jujitsu Rules" (PDF). http://www.ichoyamaryu.com/AAU/rules/06_Jujitsu_Handbook.pdf. Retrieved 2009-09-12.